Massimo Camellin: 997 citazioni

  1. (2024) Estimation of pupil size at iris plane and its magnification after cataract surgery

    U Camellin, M Camellin, M Prantera, R Di Pietro, F Ponzetto, P Aragona
    Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 72 (Suppl 5), S831-S837, 2024

  2. (2017) Corneal-Wavefront guided transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy after corneal collagen cross linking in keratoconus

    M Camellin, JM Guidotti, SA Mosquera
    Journal of optometry 10 (1), 52-62, 2017

  3. (2015) Variability of Astigmatic Keratotomy

    M Camellin, D Ponzin, S Arba-Mosquera
    Difficult and Complicated Cases in Refractive Surgery, 433-437, 2015

  4. (2014) Solving Refractive Complications after RK Correction of Hyperopic Shift

    M Camellin, D Ponzin, S Arba-Mosquera
    Difficult and Complicated Cases in Refractive Surgery, 425-432, 2014

  5. (2014) Dry Eye and PRK

    M Camellin, D Ponzin, SA Mosquera
    Difficult and Complicated Cases in Refractive Surgery, 311-316, 2014

  6. (2014) Cataract Surgery Complications of Radial Keratotomy

    M Camellin, D Ponzin, S Arba-Mosquera
    Difficult and Complicated Cases in Refractive Surgery, 439-444, 2014

  7. (2014) Corneal ray tracing versus simulated keratometry for estimating corneal power changes after excimer laser surgery

    G Savini, A Calossi, M Camellin, F Carones, M Fantozzi, KJ Hoffer
    Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 40 (7), 1109-1115, 2014

  8. (2014) I limiti del SimK per la stima del potere diottrico della cornea

    M Camellin, A Calossi, G Savini
    Viscochirurgia 1, 24-26, 2014

  9. (2013) Goniometro per lenti intraoculari toriche

    M Camellin, J Guidotti
    Viscochirurgia 3, 32-36, 2013

  10. (2012) Scheimpflug camera measurement of anterior and posterior corneal curvature in eyes with previous radial keratotomy

    M Camellin, G Savini, KJ Hoffer, M Carbonelli, P Barboni
    Journal of Refractive Surgery 28 (4), 275-279, 2012

  11. (2012) Aspheric Refractive Correction of Irregular Astimatism

    M Camellin, S Arba-Mosquera
    Astigmatism optics, physiology and management. In Tech, Croatia, 103-124, 2012

  12. (2012) Topo-Aberrometry With Keratron Onda

    M Camellin, R Mattioli, NK Tripoli
    Corneal Topography, 184-190, 2012

  13. (2012) Lasek and Prk are better procedures for dry eye patients

    M Camellin
    Ocular Surgery News 23 (11), 1, 2012

  14. (2011) September consultation# 3

    WW Chamberlain
    Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 37 (9), 1736, 2011

  15. (2011) Aspheric Optical Zones in hyperopia with the SCHWIND AMARIS

    M Camellin, SA Mosquera
    Journal of Optometry 4 (3), 85-94, 2011

  16. (2011) Aspheric optical zones: the effective optical zone with the SCHWIND AMARIS

    M Camellin, S Arba Mosquera
    Journal of Refractive Surgery 27 (2), 135-146, 2011

  17. (2011) Zonas ópticas asféricas en hipermetropía con el SCHWIND AMARIS

    M Camellin, SA Mosquera
    Journal of Optometry: peer-reviewed Journal of the Spanish General Council …, 2011

  18. (2011) Aberration management with the Amaris

    M Camellin, SA Mosquera
    Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today, 66-70, 2011

  19. (2011) Surface ablation techniques register growth trend in Europe

    M Camellin
    Ocular Surgery News 22, 11-12, 2011

  20. (2011) Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery

    M Camellin, L Buratto, HB Dick, JL Guell
    Ocular Surgery News 22, 8-9, 2011

  21. (2011) Calcolo della IOL dopo chirurgia Refrattiva

    M Camellin
    L'Oculista Italiano, 126-129, 2011

  22. (2010) Simultaneous aspheric wavefront-guided transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy and phototherapeutic keratectomy to correct aberrations and refractive errors after corneal …

    M Camellin, SA Mosquera
    Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 36 (7), 1173-1180, 2010

  23. (2010) The Camellin-Calossi formula

    A Calossi, M Camellin
    Journal of emmetropia 1, 164-166, 2010

  24. (2010) Correzione dell’astigmatismo irregolare con PRK customizzata transepiteliale

    M Camellin, M Cirone
    La Rifrazione Fisiopatologia e Clinica, 184-193, 2010

  25. (2009) Epi-Lasek aims to minimize drawbacks of Lasek and epi-Lasik

    M Camellin
    Ocular Surgery News 20 (8), 2009

  26. (2009) Epi-Lasek combines benefits of Lasek and epi-Lasik

    M Camellin
    Ocular surgery News 27 (1), 2009

  27. (2009) From LASEK to Epi-LASEK

    M Camellin, D Wyler
    Refractive Surgery, 115-123, 2009

  28. (2009) Transepithelial customized treatment enhances post-RK, post-PK corneas

    M Camellin
    Ocular Surgery News, 30-31, 2009

  29. (2009) Topografi associati ad aberrometri totali

    M Camellin, M Cirone, R Mattioli
    Indagini strumentali e oftalmologia pratica, 213-232, 2009

  30. (2008) Diagnosi delle Patologie della Superficie Oculare

    M Camellin, LE Kilzie
    Congresso di Rovigo, 2008

  31. (2008) September consultation # 3

    M Camellin
    Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 34 (9), 1428-1430, 2008

  32. (2008) Should we be cutting a flap at all? NO

    M Camellin
    Ophthalmology Times Europe 4 (10), 2008

  33. (2008) SIRC Wizard, OCX Systems ver. 1.05

    M Camellin

  34. (2008) Epi-LASIK versus epi-LASEK

    M Camellin, D Wyler
    Journal of refractive surgery 24 (S1), S57-S63, 2008

  35. (2008) Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere sul calcolo della Lio dopo refrattiva ma che non avete mai osato chiedere

    M Camellin
    La Voce AICCER 4, 8-9, 2008

  36. (2008) Whether the stromal flap is thin or thick irrelevant; it will never heal fully

    M Camellin
    Ophthalmology Times Europe 4 (21), 2008

  37. (2007) lAsEk cOMPlIcATIONs

    M Camellin
    Refractive Surgery Nightmares: Conquering Refractive Surgery Catastrophes, 67, 2007

  38. (2007) Comparison of methods for IOL power calculation after incisional and photoablative refractive surgery

    M Camellin, A Calossi
    Mastering Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) 12 (12), 106-127, 2007

  39. (2007) Trapianto lamellare quasi profondo ad incastro per cheratoglobo

    M Camellin, D Ponzin
    Euvision 3, 10-19, 2007

  40. (2007) Surgeons need to recognize and know how to avoid LASEK complications

    M Camellin
    Ocular Surgery News, 2007

  41. (2006) IOL power calculation after corneal refractive surgery-Reply

    A Calossi, M Camellin
    JOURNAL OF REFRACTIVE SURGERY 22 (8), 735-736, 2006

  42. (2006) IOL Power Calculation After Corneal Refractive Surgery/Reply

    N Rosa, L Capasso, A Calossi, M Camellin
    Journal of refractive surgery 22 (8), 735-736, 2006

  43. (2006) A new formula for intraocular lens power calculation after refractive corneal surgery

    M Camellin, A Calossi
    Journal of refractive surgery 22 (2), 187-199, 2006

  44. (2006) Lenti a contatto Compo: risultati a lungo termine

    M Camellin, F Gambino, S Casaro
    Euvision, 14-17, 2006

  45. (2006) Calcolo della IOL dopo chirurgia refrattiva

    M Camellin
    L’Oculista italiano, 45-48, 2006

  46. (2006) Scompenso corneale dopo impianto di lente Vivarte: report di un caso clinico

    M Camellin
    La Voce AICCER 4, 18-19, 2006

  47. (2006) Lasek & Asa History Technique Long-term Results

    M Camellin
    Fabiano Editore, Canelli 2006, 2006

  48. (2005) Measurement of the spatial shift of the pupil center

    M Camellin, F Gambino, S Casaro
    Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 31 (9), 1719-1721, 2005

  49. (2005) Management of LASEK Complications

    M Camellin
    Lasek, Prk, and Excimer Laser Stromal Surface Ablation 19, 195-203, 2005

  50. (2005) LASEK Technique

    M Camellin
    Lasek, Prk, and Excimer Laser Stromal Surface Ablation 7, 73-82, 2005